Individual Counseling

Do you ever feel like you just got thrown into this thing called adulthood and were told to figure it out? You may be 22 having this feeling or 45, there can often be no time limit on feeling like an imposter in your own life. There’s no guide book, no road map, but through therapy, I can help you lay out the pieces of the challenges you are facing and put them back together in a more workable picture. I do this by assisting you in identifying who and what is important to you, and working together to live a life in line with those values. This is often what leads to greater levels of contentment and life satisfaction. I’d also help you look historically through your life up to this point to identify where and how patterns were created, resolve what we can, and accept what we cannot.

I am here to help you work through anxiety, relationship struggles, parenting, or life transitions. We are not meant to go at this alone. If you are ready to enlist some additional support, please give me a call.